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Rickabaugh: Trump-bashing gets the country nowhere


I try not to write anything about politics because people will believe what they have been trained to think, no matter what the facts prove. Ward Hendrix is just one of the people who refuses to look at the facts instead of spewing hate.
These people are so full of hatred for one man, who, by the way has done more for everyone in our country than any other president in recent history, that they will support the ruination of a whole country and our way of life even though the current “administration” such as it is affects them also. Instead of standing with a man (Trump) and working with him to better the country and actually the whole world, they accept the harsh truth that Biden is trying to ruin the country and bash president Trump at every turn. You all are experiencing the same difficulties that we all are.
You just can’t reason with these people, it’s like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end. As for me, I realize how bad a shape we’re in because of this illegal, puppet administration.