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Marone: MAGA not exclusively Republicans


To Ward Hendrix, the person who’s not looking at the facts! First of all, the only people who died on Jan. 6 were the MAGA supporters. And no, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was not killed by getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.
There’s not much I can say to convince the liberal left that they are wrong, only to point out the most recent two-tier justice system that won’t prosecute Joe Biden for illegally possessing documents when he had absolutely no right to have them, but they will continue to prosecute Trump, who had every legal right under the Presidential Records Act. But, of course, this is the same deep state that spent 15 minutes telling us about all the laws Hillary Clinton broke by having classified documents on her home server and destroying items after they were subpoenaed, but the Department of Justice says “…no charges are appropriate in this case.”
And the 91 felony counts? Have you noticed they are falling apart one at a time as the corrupt George Soros supported judges, attorney generals and district attorneys in the blue states are being exposed for being the corrupted people they really are!
And, if you were to read or listen to other than left wing media, you would see that practically every week a new story comes out, from a different state, that there actually were violations in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

Joe Biden, the man who’s too old and feeble to stand trial or even remember when he was VP, but has possession of the nuclear football! Yeah, you keep voting for Joe!
Once you realize that Make America Great Again is not exclusively Republican, or Trump, but it’s the everyday American patriots, Republican’s, Democrat’s, and Independents, who see where the liberal left is driving our country. The left cares not about Americans, but only maintaining power. You have to look no further than to see all the benefits the illegal aliens are receiving while American citizens and veterans are still sleeping in the streets and using credit cards to buy groceries and make ends meet.
Let’s continue to drive our country into debt by sending money to other countries so they can protect their borders, but they won’t protect our own borders! Those dollars are yours! If that makes sense to you then I pity you!
The bottom line is both Democrats and Republicans in Washington suck at their jobs. They’re not looking out for you, they’re looking out for themselves. It’s only the patriotic American public that can or will save it and Make America Great Again!