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Marchio: Board actions getting boring for Sun City resident


Gasp. Another Recreation Centers of Sun City Board of Directors meeting is in the books.

The tiresome rudeness, whining and chastising from some of the board members is getting boring.

The obvious needs to be said. The positions held by the directors may indeed be a thankless job and perhaps they are not purposely trying to rile up the members. Alas, communication is sorely lacking. The us vs. them tension is not helpful for anyone here and must change. But how?

Sun Citians please get involved in our governance. Attend board of director meetings, attend RCSC committee meetings, check out the candidates running for board positions in the upcoming election and vote, plan to attend the Annual membership meeting. You may be surprised at the fireworks, issues at play and financial discussions all affecting our future.

Board members, great idea today in suggesting the resurrection of the board/member exchange. This may be an answer to the frustrating 3-minute time limits set for member comments, the need for greater 2-way communication, and building trust and delivering transparency. Please keep on thinking of ways to work with the members you represent and provide more proactive information.

To the RCSC management team, please help educate us as members and cardholders. It feels like each and every cardholder is fighting for even some of the basic information. The cadre of voices from the board and management telling us to look at the articles of incorporation and read the bylaws doesn’t feel supportive, helpful or inclusive. Share with us what we need to know. Perhaps think of over-sharing and over-communicating.

What are you willing to do to ensure your Sun City remains a “Fun City?”