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Howicz: Adherence to guidelines not consistent in Sun City


My first venture into any Recreation Centers of Sun City facility was the board meeting on May 28 at Sundial.

I had read the rules for opening the rec centers and felt safe knowing guidelines for social distancing and masks being worn were in effect, When I arrived the chairs were more than the required social distance, which was great. I sat in the middle of the room and was surprised to see the board seated on stage and less than half were wearing masks and a few, when they spoke, pulled the mask down.

Residents were allowed to speak and one didn’t have a mask. The rest of them removed the mask when they spoke. It was very disappointing to see this, yet during the meeting the board expressed their concern for the safety and health of the employees, staff and residents.

So the mask rule applies to those that want to keep others safe but not for those who don’t? Why have the mask rule? Sure isn’t safe to return to the clubs.