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Hendrix: Buzz words don’t make it true


In this weeks version of Trump is good, Tom Marone takes up the battle to defend our former traitorous President using all the cute buzz words that we come to expect from the GOP accomplices: left, liberals, facts, corrupt, left-wing media, blue states, and Make America Great Again.

We would expect that from those that are blind to the truth that a person who lost a legitimate election by millions of votes and then refuses to accept the results and lies about it to the whole world. History will prove these people as extremely misguided and incorrect. It truly is a cult that keeps its faith in the face of overwhelming truth. Way to go Tom. You’re parroting all the MAGA faithful who will someday be confronted with the reality that one former President is a crook, liar, insurrectionist and traitor to our democracy, our allies, and the free world.

I’ll say no more, as reasonable, responsible Americans know the truth and don’t whitewash it as many do.