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Fimmel: RCSC moving forward into 2024


The new year brings a sense of renewal and an exuberance for better and brighter times. The 2024 Recreation Centers of Sun City board is looking forward to both the opportunities, and challenges, that lay before us as we continue to improve our community and enhance our level of self-governance. We remain committed to fiscal responsibility, transparency and member inclusivity.

Together, we have experienced many successes during the past year. A survey of the membership was conducted in which members participated in development of the annual budget, a committee of members was created to address a major construction project and we continued, and continue, to improve our technology systems. We also overcame a number of challenges including completion of the Viewpoint Recreation Center lake project, improved communications, established an Outreach and Communications Committee and hired a new general manager.

Additionally, steps have been taken to lay the foundation for the future with the establishment of a five-year plan team, set a policy for the five-year plan, develop a program to address deferred maintenance and development of an automated system for comment cards.

The major challenge that our community faces today is our Preservation Improvement Fund project at Mountain View Recreation Center. The Strategic Alternatives Committee brought forth several plans that were fully shared, and very much discussed, at four Town Hall meetings. Those plans have now been presented to the RCSC board. We know the members would like us to be timely in preparing this document as this project has been long in the development process; however, this project will affect our community for years to come so there will need to be continuing conversations with our members regarding this matter. Many difficult decisions are ahead of us and data will play a crucial role in the approach we take.

This coming year is full of challenges and opportunities, and with continuing member support, we know this will be a great year for our community.