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Fimmel: A look back going forward


This past year has proved quite challenging. It began by including members in helping develop the annual budget. Members participated in meetings about the corporation’s finances, asked questions, and made suggestions. We were shocked to learn the corporation had $20 million in deferred maintenance. We created a Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) to address this issue. It brought to light the need to create a reserve study. We also created a 5-year plan team to address the corporation’s major (PIF) projects. We understand the importance of showing members where the increases we passed will be going.
This past summer the Strategic Alternatives Committee (SAC) was brought together to address the Mountain View Recreation Center project. Through their efforts, strategic alternatives were developed and, in conjunction with the Long-Range Planning Committee, we shared these plans with the membership at four town hall meetings. These are the plans the Board of Directors used to create the “elements” document that will be used to contract with an architect-engineer to design the project. This design process will explain how this entire project will roll out, and more importantly will provide the actual cost of construction.

We also saw how far behind our technology needs were. We have achieved a level of technology where our systems have been converted to SD/WAN; however, we need to continue our technological efforts to meet continuing demands for service. Over the coming months, management will be developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a complete website redesign.
One of the most important challenges we faced was hiring a new general manager. There was an extensive list of community needs that had to be addressed; we faced both short-term and long-term issues that also needed to be addressed. The new general manager, Matthew D’Luzansky, is member-focused, supports transparency and quickly addressed several long-standing weaknesses in our day-to-day operations. His commitment and focus are to take both the corporation and the community to the next level.
Together we have come to understand the importance of accountability. We also understand the important role management plays in the day-to-day operation of our amenities, while the board of directors is engaged in supporting, planning and providing long-term direction. Taking a moment to look back, we can embrace the importance of the membership being part of the solution. We also know that when we are open and willing to listen, we will be a better, stronger, and more result oriented and successful organization.