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Keyword: general election

11 potential candidates line up for Peoria Unified …

With the deadline for candidate nomination packets for the Peoria Unified School District governing board election nearing, 11 potential candidates are considering running for a seat.

Peoria Unified will have $120 million bond on November …

The Peoria Unified governing board has voted to place a $120 million bond on the Nov. 5 general election ballot that will fund capital needs at schools throughout the district.

Peoria Unified plans for $120 million bond on November …

The Peoria Unified governing board has taken a big step in placing a $120 million bond on the Nov. 5 general election ballot that will fund capital needs at schools throughout the district.

Top Arizona GOP lawmakers challenge Election …

PHOENIX — A new lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes could end up affecting whether Arizonans will actually get a voice in the November presidential election.

Peoria Unified looks to put bond on 2024 ballot

The Peoria Unified School District will jump back on the horse in the coming year and try to get a bond on the ballot for the 2024 November general election.

Lesko’s seat in CD8 now up for grabs

Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko announced Tuesday she would not seek reelection in 2024, which has raised questions as to who might fill that seat.

Former Peoria deputy city manager lauded in personnel …

In the wake of Mayor Jason Beck’s election last November, the city of Peoria experienced an exodus of at least six employees in the city’s upper echelon of leadership.

Peoria Unified bond planned for November ballot

It a appears the Peoria Unified School District will have another go at a bond, this time on the Nov. 7 general election.

First public meeting for new Peoria Unified board …

The Peoria Unified School District Governing Board will have its first public meeting of the year tonight, 1 p.m., Jan. 5, 6330 W. Thunderbird Road, Glendale.

Get to know the Peoria mayoral candidates: water, …

To give residents one last opportunity to learn more about the mayoral candidates, the Peoria Independent submitted a second questionnaire inquiring about their stance on certain issues.

Securing your vote so it counts

The Maricopa County Elections Department has been preparing for the general election, Nov. 8. [Philip Haldiman/Independent Newsmedia] Maricopa County administers city, town, school district, …

Q&A: Get to know the candidates in Legislative …

Some of the Republican candidates for Legislative District 27, which covers the central and southern part of Peoria, are running unopposed in the upcoming general election, Nov. 8.