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Keyword: Barclays

Developers planning 600+ affordable housing units in …

Housing developer Dominium announced Tuesday that it has closed a deal to acquire land for the development of a new community of affordable housing in Glendale.

Fred Meyers sells Gilbert land for outparcels

Fred Meyer Stores of the Kroger Companies sold 7.64 acres of land at the northwest corner of Elliot and Power roads June 15 to Barclay Holdings CII LLC, a division of real estate developer Barclay …

Vistancia commercial core sees activity in north …

Much of the Vistancia commercial core still remains vacant, but has seen more permitting activity lately, signaling that construction could be near.

Vistancia commercial core poised for big announcement

Residents of the Vistancia master planned community in north Peoria will soon have more information about their commercial core.

Fry’s planned north of 163rd Avenue in Surprise

While every aspect of the project is not official, it is far enough along to make it official — sometime in 2022 a grocery store will open north of Grand Avenue and off 163rd Avenue in Surprise.