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Keyword: Peoria Unified School District

Peoria Unified bond planned for November ballot

It a appears the Peoria Unified School District will have another go at a bond, this time on the Nov. 7 general election.

Arizona lawmakers approve transgender bills

PHOENIX — State lawmakers gave final approval Monday to forbidding teachers from calling students by a pronoun that does not match their biological sex.

Summer meals available in Peoria Unified

Thanks to the USDA, the Peoria Unified School District will be able to provide breakfast and lunch meals free to any child, age 18 and under this summer.

Peoria Unified board member plans to stonewall until …

In an apparent response to a failed attempt at bringing a transgender policy to Peoria Unified School District, board member Rebecca Hill doubled down on past anti-PUSD statements at the dais, and at …

Student brings gun onto Peoria Unified school campus

An Alta Loma fourth grader brought a gun onto campus the morning of May 10, but school officials said administration immediately confiscated it and contacted the police department.

Peoria Unified hosts bus driver interest meeting

The Peoria Unified School District is hosting a bus driver interest meeting any time from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 9 at the Peoria Unified Transportation Office, 10721 N. 95th Ave.

Peoria teachers association calls for resignation of …

As a result of public statements made at the dais encouraging Peoria Unified parents to pull their students from the district, governing board member Rebecca Hill is facing a call to resign.

Peoria responds to Sunset Heights fatality with road …

Last month, a community hung under the pale of the unknown after a Peoria Unified student sustained critical injuries from a pedestrian vehicle accident at 98th Avenue and Deer Valley Road.

Peoria Unified governing board member encourages …

After a monthslong battle over transgender students in bathrooms in the Peoria Unified School District, a governing board member on the losing end of that battle encouraged parents to leave the district.

Peoria Unified could consider policy on transgender …

The issue of transgender students using Peoria Unified  bathrooms and locker rooms has been a lightning rod at the district's school board meetings for months.

State Treasurer will visit Glendale school to teach …

Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee will visit a Glendale elementary school in honor of National Financial Literacy Month and National Teach Children to Save Day.

Peoria Unified teacher at center of contract fight …

A Peoria Unified high school teacher singled out by two board members who attempted to refuse her a contract is speaking out.