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Keyword: Immigration

Phoenix charities, churches ready for Afghan refugees

While the crisis in Afghanistan continues after the Taliban takeover, groups on the ground in Arizona are working to make whatever difference they can.

Arizona Attorney General wants to continue immigration …

PHOENX — Shut down by appellate judges, Attorney General Mark Brnovich is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to let him defend a Trump-era rule designed to deny "green cards'' to those at the bottom …

Emergency Family Staging Center in Scottsdale brings …

Views of protest at the intersection of Scottsdale and Mountain View roads marks the fervor of the national debate made local on how immigration laws, the nation’s borders and those found here …

City of Scottsdale releases statement about temporary …

Scottsdale was told last Friday by U.S. Homeland Security and Customs and Immigration Enforcement that a temporary hotel facility for immigrant families would be used within city limits beginning the …

A passion for justice: Scottsdale immigration …

Before Ana Guzman immigrated to the United States, she always had a passion for the law and legal matters.  In her home country of Guatemala, Ms. Guzman attended law school for two years but …

Kepler: Reader tries to correct perceptions

Having read twice now in recent weeks about the misconception of “open borders,” let’s correct a few perceptions. More than 90% of single adults are expelled and more than 70% of …

Feess: Ideas on immigration, gun control

I, like most Americans, am frustrated by Congress’s inabilities to do anything toward solving pressing current problems. I would like to suggest two remedies here on which members of both …

BBB Pacific Southwest to host International …

Immigrant business owners and entrepreneurs face unique challenges when it comes to accessing resources to start and develop a business.

Siegel: Congress must work on immigration issues

We need to establish the standard for immigration into this country under federal law if we are to understand the severe detrimental impact we have suffered due to this abrogation of responsibility by Congress regarding this issue for the past 40 years.

Amiri: Supreme Court may vote soon on the plight of …

While the nation’s focus is rightfully on the COVID-19 crisis, another crisis looming for a large group of young people. Dreamers are living a nightmare as they wait for the federal government …

Arizona Gov. Ducey: Refugees welcome here

PHOENIX — Gov. Doug Ducey said Friday he won’t take advantage of an offer by President Trump to allow Arizona to opt out of taking refugees, at least not up front.

Ducey brushes aside concerns of slowdown at …

CASA GRANDE — Gov. Doug Ducey on Monday brushed aside concerns that a slowdown at border crossings into Arizona engineered by federal officials will affect visitors to Arizona — and …