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Keyword: general manager

Possible master plan presentation in Sun City West …

The master plan for community facilities in Sun City West has been a hot topic in the community, and residents waiting to hear from Recreation Centers of Sun City West officials should have a projected plan in early spring.

Recall efforts underway in Sun City West

Residents in Sun City West gathered together during a community meeting to share information about the possibility of a recall election.

Poe: Conquer golfing in extreme heat

Some golfers may view this weather as some of the worst conditions to golf in, and totally avoid hitting the green in the Arizona heat.

Inflation drives up costs for Sun City West …

With the high humidity, the Bermuda grass is thriving on the Recreation Centers of Sun City West golf courses.

Association remains in positive

Delays and price increases are causing chaos due to the pandemic and the Recreation Centers of Sun City West are impacted.

RCSCW GM plans public budget sessions

Recreation Centers of Sun City West General Manager Bill Schwind invites the community to attend budget forums to learn about the proposed fiscal plan for 2021-22.

Taking a look at progress

With fiscal year 2020-21 halfway complete for the Recreation Centers of Sun City West, now comes the time to update the community.

Search begins for new RCSCW gm

By Roger Ball Independent Newsmedia The special committee to lead the search for a new Recreation Centers of Sun City West general manager began its process. The committee’s first meeting …

Search begins for new RCSCW gm

By Roger Ball Independent Newsmedia The special committee to lead the search for a new Recreation Centers of Sun City West general manager began its process. The committee’s first meeting …