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Keyword: health

Arizona AG wants felony abortion law effective now

PHOENIX — Attorney General Mark Brnovich is making an emergency ditch plea to a U.S. Supreme Court justice to let Arizona immediately start enforcing its law making felons out of doctors who …

Medical facility breaks ground near 91st Avenue in …

A new two-story, 44,000 square-foot medical facility broke ground near the northeast corner of 91st Avenue and Thunderbird Road.

Valley hospitals more stretched than ever

Almost a year to the day since the first COVID-19 vaccines were handed out to Arizona frontline workers on Dec. 16, 2020, hospitals in the state and across the Valley say they’re no better off now than when the pandemic began.

Banner Health chief: Several facilities beyond …

PHOENIX — The state’s largest hospital network is operating over capacity at several of its facilities and is turning away surgery that is not medically necessary. And Dr. Marjorie …

Glendale COVID cases rise as Maricopa County reports …

In the midst of the holiday season, active COVID cases within Glendale’s nine most populous ZIP codes are up 11.3% over the past five and a half weeks.

Arizona’s flu season off to a sluggish start

In a year when many Arizonans are back to some normalcy, with travel on the rise and holiday gatherings returning, flu season is off to a slow start. But Valley health experts say we have yet to see the worst of it.

Mesa lawmaker: ‘Off-label’ drugs should be …

PHOENIX — The way Kelly Townsend sees it, if a doctor is willing to write you a prescription for ivermectin or any other drug, a pharmacist has no right to refuse to fill it — even if …

Arizona kids slow to be vaccinated against COVID-19

As a new COVID-19 variant stirs up concerns around the country, Arizona is struggling to get its youngest residents vaccinated against the infectious disease.

Valley groups combat Alzheimer's Disease in Blacks, …

Banner Health is joining forces with partner organizations to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Disease in communities of color.

Adding members to health commission topic for Apache …

Adding two board seats to the Apache Junction Health and Human Services Commission will be discussed Monday by the city council and voted on Tuesday. A work session begins at 7 p.m. Dec. 6 in the …

Arizonans with health insurance on the rise

When COVID-19 first hit Arizona in early 2020, the job market was turned upside down and thousands of residents were left unemployed. That meant many Arizonans were left without affordable …

Arizona governor: Roe v. Wade a ‘mistake’

PHOENIX — The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion was a “mistake” that the justices need to correct, Gov. Doug Ducey said Wednesday. But he won’t say where …