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Keyword: Jennifer

Wyyerd announces first rollout of fiber service in …

A fiber internet provider unveiled its plans March 29 to expand its service to Gilbert, where it has started putting in the infrastructure in three neighborhoods. 

Bill to remove school floor plans from the public …

PHOENIX — A bill to remove school blueprints and floor plans from public access has stalled in the House despite it having gotten bipartisan preliminary approval a month ago.

Bill would pave way for journalist tribute

Don Bolles died doing the job he loved. But he wasn’t a policeman or fireman. Instead, he was a local newspaper reporter who lost his life after a car bomb exploded as he went to start his …

Public comment open for Gilbert's action plan on …

Public comment is open for next year’s Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant  and HOME Investment Partnership funds in Gilbert.  Community members have …

Tohono O’odham leader says lack of infrastructure, …

WASHINGTON – The vice chairwoman of the Tohono O’odham Nation told a House panel Wednesday that economic development on her remote reservation is hobbled by everything from a lack of basic infrastructure like roads and water to inadequate capital.

Peoria Heroes honored for exemplary work in the …

The second annual Peoria Hometown Heroes luncheon took center stage, Feb. 21, as 12 individuals who either work or live in the city were honored for their service to the community.

Senate panel recommends Hobbs' choice for ADOT head

PHOENIX — A Senate panel agreed Monday to recommend confirmation of Katie Hobbs’ pick to head the Department of Transportation — but not before the chairman grilled her on her personal beliefs and at one point suggested she was not being truthful.

Lawmaker proposes businesses offer unpaid time off to …

PHOENIX — Saying there aren't enough regular people in the Legislature, a newly elected lawmaker wants to remove what he says is an impediment: the fear of losing their regular job.

New Peoria City Council sworn in

The new Peoria City Council was sworn in Jan. 3 at city hall with a packed chamber offering standing ovations for outgoing former Mayor Cathy Carlat and incoming Mayor Jason Beck.

New Peoria City Council to start Jan. 3

New and re-elected members of the Peoria City Council will be sworn in at the first public meeting of the year, 6 p.m., Jan. 3.

Scottsdale PR firm marks milestone in growth

For the past 12 years, Scottsdale's Evolve PR and Marketing has worked with local and national businesses to promote and enhance their message to the world.

A servant's heart: Original Gilbert firefighter Benny …

On a night when Gilbert was at its most divided, the town unified behind one man. Benny Ruiz received two standing ovations Nov. 15 at the Public Safety Training Facility’s packed Atlas Auditorium as the Gilbert Town Council recognized Ruiz’s retirement from the Gilbert Fire and Rescue Department.