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Nichols: CDC, Fauci have failed to find virus treatment


What drugs should the public take if they have been tested and have COVID? The usual health care provider recommends: “Quarantine yourself for 10 days. Take Tylenol. If you have breathing problems, go to the emergency room.”

No wonder so many people find themselves in serious condition, ultimately placed in the ICU and put on ventilators.

Dr. Fauci urges that we find some drugs for initial treatment but none are approved. Wait a minute! COVID has been around since late 2019. Over 30 million U.S. citizens have caught COVID. Over 800,000 have died, and no such drugs have been approved. Why has Dr. Fauci taken so long to reach this conclusion?

Many doctors have anecdotal experience successfully treating patients with drugs that have prevented their COVID from becoming full-blown. These doctors were blown off as quacks. CDC called this “misinformation.” These doctors were censured.

This sounds like a criminal failure on the part of Dr. Fauci and the CDC.