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Janik: I hear Scottsdale citizens, community concerns


As a resident of Scottsdale for 16 years, I have seen significant change. Some positive, but more recently the changes have been unwelcome.

Over development is a major concern. The current City Council majority has approved virtually every request from developers for zoning changes over the past four years.

Views have been lost, traffic snarled, and open space reduced. In 2016, as director of Protect Our Preserve, I started the movement that returned control of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve to the voters with a 70% vote for Prop 420. We need to finish the job.

The voices of the citizens need to be heard. We need a citizen-friendly majority on City Council. I want to be your voice on City Council and tip the scale to citizen representation.

I am for thoughtful growth:

  • Listen to the citizens first
  • Promote resident supported zoning
  • Balance new development/redevelopment while maintaining open space and views
  • Support vital industries – tourism, healthcare, technology
  • Approve projects that are fully funded by developers including infrastructure and maintenance
  • Don’t expect tax payers to foot the bill for developers.

A big first step in this process is producing a viable General Plan. The GP is your vision, the citizen’s guide, of what you want for your city. The old one has been around for 20 years and must be replaced with an updated version as mandated by the state.

It needs to be approved by City Council and then ratified by the citizens. The GP defines locations for development and open space, guidelines for sustained financial viability and community services, goals for short and long term development now and for the next decade.

Previous updates over the past 10 years have failed. Developers do not follow the terms of the old GP and current council majority ignores it.

There is a committee currently working on the new General Plan.

However, the committee is composed of citizens that are on city commissions.

These individuals were appointed by the developer-friendly City Council majority and their work must be carefully scrutinized.

I will make sure that the new General Plan is your vision for your city and insist on a true citizen review of the document before it is presented to City Council. I will also make sure that if the plan is not ratified, the citizens will provide additional input and the new GP is readied for another vote within one year.

No more delays, no more excuses! Once ratified, the developers and those associated with development will be compelled to follow the guidelines.

With respect for the past and a vision for the future, I ask for your vote.

Editor’s Note: Betty Janik is a candidate for Scottsdale City Council in the upcoming Aug. 4 primary election.