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Catroppa: Residents against the requested Axon re-zoning


I am writing to draw attention to the plight of the many concerned homeowners of the 174 single-family community of Scottsdale Stonebrook ll. We are raising our voices and standing firmly opposed to the latest Axon re-zoning requests. 

To put our concerns into perspective, our development of 174 single-family homes was built on 38 acres of land. Axon is requesting re-zoning that supports squeezing a whopping 1,975 multi-family residential units, a hotel and retail space all on 38 acres of land.

We live here because we love it here. We implore the Zoning Commission and the City Council to deny this proposal. Just look behind the curtain and see the reality of re-zoning this land.

Density: This density of dwelling per acre on this lot will be incompatible with the rest of the area. These buildings will dwarf our neighborhood and overcrowd our streets. By sheer proximity to our homes, they will disrupt the privacy of our neighbors and ultimately will decrease our property values.

Traffic: Because we depend solely on 82nd street for access to our community, the potential impact of thousands of cars per day is absurd. Because Axon also intends to place a roundabout on 82nd street and Axon Way, that will be of use to their residents and employees (headquarters adjacent to proposed mixed land use which runs its operation, with employees onsite 24 hours a day). This would exponentially increase traffic on 82nd street all day and all night, by the thousands. 

Water: We live in the desert. Planning for water usage should be approached with conservative consideration so as to not squander our invaluable resources.

Light/noise pollution: Light and noise pollution would be an unbearable result of the massive density and increase of cars and traffic this development would bring. 

We as citizens of Scottsdale have rights and we should be recognized and valued for all our contributions in making the neighborhood of Stonebrook ll a thriving and desirable community for almost 30 years. Please support our right to continue this legacy. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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