Surprise residents can take an online survey to choose their preferred new City Council district boundary map from among three choices recommended by the Surprise Redistricting Advisory Committee.
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City Government
Surprise redistricting map choices open to view
Residents can pick preferred choice
By city of Surprise
Surprise residents can take an online survey to choose their preferred new City Council district boundary map from among three choices recommended by the Surprise Redistricting Advisory Committee.
Surprise is in the final stages of the redistricting process, which began in January.
Federal law requires the redrawing of district boundaries every 10 years following the U.S. Census to ensure all voices are represented equally and fairly by creating districts that have nearly the same number of people in them.
Throughout the redistricting process, the public has been invited to attend public meetings, give feedback and even submit their own district boundary maps.
On March 29, the Redistricting Advisory Committee reviewed seven maps submitted by the public, committee members and the city’s redistricting consultant group, which considered both public and committee input.
From those seven maps, the committee identified three recommended Focus Maps to be presented to City Council for consideration.
The review process considered desired features such as: uniting the community, keeping HOAs and similar neighborhoods together, compactness, preserving the core of existing districts, minimizing disruption for voters, and planned future growth.
Surprise residents are asked to participate in the Redistricting Focus Map Survey, in which they’ll review the three proposed maps and select a favorite.
Map 102 (See map) – Minimal changes from current council district boundaries
Map 102b (See map) – Revised version of Map 102 that places all of Arizona Traditions in District 1 and Happy Trails in District 2
Map 103 (Committee’s Recommendation - See map) – Features more compactness (how close a district’s boundaries are to its geographic center and how “regular” in shape a district appears to be)
The Redistricting Focus Map Survey will close on Monday, May 1. The Committee map recommendations, along with resident survey results, will be presented to City Council at its Tuesday, May 2 work session.
The City Council is scheduled to vote to adopt one of the recommended maps at the Tuesday, June 6 meeting.
The adopted district boundaries will be in effect for the November 2024 election.