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McKenzie: RCSC officials lack insight on courses in Sun City


After reading a front page article regarding Recreation Centers of Sun City officials considering new golf changes (“Changes in mix for golf,” Sun City Independent, June 22, 2022), it was apparent that the information given was presented without full insight.

I thought I was reading some political talking points that focus only on getting the desired result even if the figures are only partially accurate.

First, there was no mention whether or not these outside passes generated additional income — only gave a multiplication of the number of passes time revenue produced by these passes. Having worked as a head starter for six years, I can attest that a good portion of these outside passes were purchased because these players were playing with their friends who lived in Sun City and it was cheaper to buy the pass than to pay nonresident fees since they were playing multiple times during the week.

So the relevant questions should be did these passes generate additional income or just displace some nonresident fees that were already being collected. It is also a fact that some residents are buying the pass with cart instead of the full pass because it is less expensive to pay $950 additional ($2,500-$1,550=$950) than it is to purchase a cart and maintain that cart.

Sun City nonresident fees are the cheapest in the West Valley in the winter and our twilight times are also earliest in the West Valley, both in the summer and winter. It makes the most sense to raise the nonresident to a rate resembling our competition and to make the twilight times later for nonresidents and a rate for guests of members to have a break in the nonresident rate if they are playing with a resident.

In addition, the comment that outside play in 2021 was $1.4 million and eliminating that would increase the fees to residents for the full amount is ludicrous. We should have, and have always had, some outside play. We would not be eliminating all outside play as the article is suggesting. We would be getting a higher rate and more times for a higher rate since the twilight times would be changed.

The pass should be raised to at least $2,500 and no cart included. A reduced cart fee for pass players would be sufficient.

Sun City rates for residents have not been raised proportionally with the cost of living increase for the past 10 years and that is a good thing. But at some point, bringing in outside players to offset our fees will be a detriment to resident golfers. We can already see that with the purchase of 50 additional carts, which were bought for outside play. At the rate of $12.46 winter/summer rates for cart seats it will take several years to recoup the cost of those carts, not to mention the cost of building cart barns to accommodate outside play.

By the way, where is the accounting of just the golf course revenue versus expenses, including the driving range income?