Sun City Community Assistance Network 10195 W. Coggins Drive Sun City, AZ
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By Hugh Duncan, Sun City Community Assistance Network board president
The Mission of the Sun City Community Assistance Network is to, “Connect people with resources to enhance their standard of living.”
In other words, Sun City CAN helps people save money on things like property taxes, income taxes, utilities, Medicare premiums, prescription drugs and other things.
Many benefits go unclaimed simply because people are unaware that the benefits exist. In an effort to shed light on some of the help that is available to low-income seniors, I will write a guest commentary each month about a different senior help program.
Below is a listing of benefits available for low-income seniors that some may not realize are available.
Inherit vehicles
The Arizona Motor Vehicle Division has a form that allows you to designate the person or persons you want to inherit your vehicle upon your passing.
It is called the “Beneficiary Designation For Vehicle Transfer Upon Death” form. This form can only be used by a sole owner. If two people are named as owners on your title, it cannot be used. Until 2023, you had to sign this form in the presence of a notary or an MVD associate, but this requirement has been eliminated.
There are several benefits to completing the Beneficiary Designation form.
It can avoid your estate going into probate. Sometimes our vehicle is the last major asset we own as we get older. If this is the case, completing the Beneficiary Designation form can keep your estate out of probate.
Having a completed and signed Beneficiary Designation form will make changing the title quick and painless. Upon the passing of the owner, all you have to do is take the original paper title with the signed Beneficiary Designation form stapled to it to the MVD and they will change the title to the new owner. It is literally that easy. If the title is electronic, you should take the Beneficiary Designation form to the MVD. They will access the title and transfer the name.
Be sure to keep the Beneficiary Form with the paper title in a safe place that is known to you beneficiary.
For your convenience, Sun City Community Assistance Network has a supply of the forms. Feel free to stop by and pick up a copy. As with all services provided by Sun City CAN, this is a free service. The CAN office is located at 10195 W. Coggins Drive, Sun City. The phone number is 623-933-7530.
Editor’s Note: We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments, pro or con, on this issue. Email