Deniz: Traffic on Thunderbird in Sun City is crazy
Independent Newsmedia/Rusty Bradshaw
Thunderbird Boulevard and 105th Avenue.
By Adonis Deniz, Sun City
I reside in Sun City at 111th and Alabama avenues.
I travel up and down Thunderbird Boulevard often and I must say I drive the speed limit, which makes a lot of people mad. When I travel on Thunderbird, mainly from 111th to 99th avenues, with a speed limit of 30 miles per hours it’s crazy. I have noticed lately that a lot of higher priced cars, such as Mercedes and Tesla, are driving way over 40 mph. Medical transportation and other business vehicles are driving way over 30 mph.
The paper has written a few articles about Peoria, Alabama avenues and other east/west roads where people drive like nuts. The area of 103rd to 107th avenues on Thunderbird is a hospital zone. It amazes me that medical vehicles and what might be doctors travel at those rates of speed in that area. I witnessed a Valley Metro medical van No. 3911 pass me at about 45 miles an hour west of 99th Avenue. As he was stopped at the 103rd Avenue traffic light, I passed him a few minutes after he sped passed me.
Just wanted to bring this situation to the paper, Thank you for your time.
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