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Carlson: Networking about building relationships


Networking. In its most simplistic form, it’s all about building relationships, but often networking can transition into a “what’s in it for me” mentality.

Rooms full of business professionals seeking referrals and making elevator pitches to land new business are often an important part of an organization’s marketing and sales efforts, but are those situations really being maximized to their full potential? I would argue not if the main goal of the networker is focused on target demographics or those most closely aligned with their business objectives.

What can be missing from those crucial conversations is a more authentic approach – truly getting to know the person you are standing a few feet from without any preconceived expectations. That is how the most powerful relationships are built.

At the Peoria Chamber of Commerce, we are focused on just that.
Facilitating opportunities that aren’t just helping businesses connect, but ones that are establishing a greater sense of community here and throughout the West Valley.

I am passionate about serving my community and feel the real position our chamber of commerce can and should occupy is that of a connector for all sectors to authentically foster engagement.

What I have found over the last year that I have led the Peoria Chamber is there are so many great people doing exceptional work to support business, nonprofits, education, and other vital components that make up our community. However, finding resources, information or getting connected to the right people can often be challenging.

By serving to support all sectors that make our region an incredible place to live, work, and play, we are uniquely positioned to be a driver for growth by building community through connection.

We appreciate the opportunity to support you as a member!

Editor's note: Rhonda Carlson can be reached at rcarlson@peoriachamber.com