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Keyword: Sun City West

Von Cott: Agrees with letter from Slade

Tom Slade’s opinion in the August 7 edition of the Independent hit the nail right on the head. Sun City West does not need a strategic plan. RCSCW only needs to sustain the activities …

Webster: Kudos for R.H. Johnson Library

I read about the visit from the Overdrive Library vehicle in the July 31 edition. I was reminded of the school that I attended in Boston up until early fifth grade in 1962. It was old and had no …

Bringing transit to the Northwest Valley

In a land that gave in to urban sprawl many years ago, where most everybody seems to own their own automobile, it is easy to take for granted getting from here to there.

Meet the candidates running for Congressional District …

The stage is now set for the 2024 Congressional District 8 election, and it will be highly competitive on the Republican side of the ballot.

Sun City West ladies help brighten Valley kids’ …

Ladies in Corte Bella put their hearts into an effort that they wish they didn’t need to do at all.

Kaplan: Dead coyote is hazard

On April 30 or May 1 going down R.H. Johnson coming from Bell Road, I saw a dead coyote laying on the curb by the center island.

L.A. actor will join live podcast taping at Sun City …

Ghostlight Theatre is taking a one-night pause from its usual busy schedule of plays for a special presentation in June.

Schmidt: Seeing speeders in Sun City West

I am glad to see that they are monitoring the traffic, especially on R.H. Johnson.

Sun City West Posse celebrates 45 years of service

The Sun City West Posse has been the eyes and ears of the community for the past 45 years and residents celebrated at the anniversary event March 16.

Heise: 4 Paws Thrift Boutique is having its spring …

It's the time of year that starts "kitten season" here in Arizona, and Sun Cities 4 Paws Thrift Boutique holds its annual spring kitten shower.

Cantrell: Resident encourages yes vote

Vote yes to retain safe streets as we all know them today during the upcoming Sun City West election of March 25, 2024.

Sun City West residents support military mothers

Vehicles line up monthly for a “drive-by baby shower” at the Phoenix Veterans Administration office near Third Street and Indian School Road, where each new mother or mother-to-be in line …