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Keyword: Debate

Congressional District 3 candidates engage in primary …

Arizona’s Congressional District 3 Republican and Democratic party candidates took the stage during two primary debates held May 22, discussing pressing district issues as they vie to represent their respective parties.

Sun City performing arts center location debated

With a couple of weeks to go before discussing recommendations, members of the Recreation Centers of Sun City Strategic Alternatives Committee continued to be divided on the Mountain View Center rebuild.

'Four-way test' Chandler winners honored by Rotary

The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes recently held its ninth-annual Rotary International Four-Way Test Speech Contest on current ethical issues. Judges at the event included various Rotary and local …

BASIS Scottsdale advances to 'Sweet 16' round of IPPF …

Hundreds of debate teams from around the world entered the 2022-23 International Public Policy Forum competition, but only 16 remain, including a team of students from BASIS Scottsdale. By advancing …

Emerson: Small group debate quite complicated in Sun …

This letter seeks to address many of the recent comments regarding the topic.

McClintock High School debate coach receives national …

The National Speech & Debate Association announced that Richard Glover of McClintock High School was a winner of the Diamond Coach Award, which recognizes a professional career that combines …

GOP candidates for AG post hold debate

PHOENIX — Three of the six Republicans running for state attorney general said they would not have participated in certifying the 2020 election results as did the man who they seek to replace.

Sen. Boyer: Our Arizona senators are right about …

In a republic like ours, the decisions our leaders make can have significant impacts on the lives of everyday citizens, which is why it’s critical that our laws undergo rigorous debate. …

Arizona budget, $1.3B tax cut head to Ducey

PHOENIX — House Republicans pushed through the plan to sharply cut taxes on the rich Thursday — but only after changing the rules to limit debate and objections by Democrats.

Wilson: Calls for civility in discourse

The recent debate was disgraceful. Moderator Chris Wallace was not able to control Trump’s interruptions. I like Chris Wallace and watch his show every Sunday, but he did the public a …