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Moore: Mayor Bien-Willner shows what strong leadership means


I have served on the Town Council for the past six year and wanted to provide my perspective on the leadership we’ve seen during this time.

I’ve found that the best leaders are not always the ones who are loudest. They are the ones who listen, and take time to hear residents’ concerns, weigh the issues carefully and do their best to make the right choices. They don’t grandstand and they are not divisive. They don’t make personal attacks, they’re collaborative, encourage good debate and they don’t make it about themselves.

When a community has strong, steady leadership, great results follow. That’s what we have seen in Paradise Valley over the years thanks to a long history of committed volunteer leaders who have acted in good faith in the best interests of our town. They have helped create and protect our unique residential character, make our community safer, and prevent us from having a municipal property tax.

Since 2018, we have had an exceptional leader in Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner who has embodied those long-standing values. Paradise Valley has thrived under his service, and he has embodied all the positive traits that make for effective leadership. He is the right choice to lead this community for another term.

Mayor Bien-Willner’s track record is beyond reproach. He has shown a steadfast commitment to our community’s low-density residential zoning, has led the efforts of taking back our neighborhoods from event party houses and abusive short-term rental operations and has worked to protect what makes Paradise Valley special.

He has been a strong supporter of public safety, helping us navigate the pandemic and avoid the kind of urban unrest neighboring communities suffered. Paradise Valley has emerged from the pandemic in strong fiscal condition while providing a high level of service and responsiveness for residents. His leadership and voting record have been so steady that even the mayor’s opponent has voted with him 99% of the time.

But just as importantly, Mayor Bien-Willner has led by example. He listens to all voices in our community without attacking or belittling anyone. He does not seek the limelight and welcomes input from all residents, staff and councilmembers. He has promoted open and transparent government that serves all residents — not just a select few. Rather than being divisive, Mayor Bien-Willner has shown exceptional character and temperament which has benefitted our community greatly.

It’s one thing to talk about leadership, but it’s quite another to demonstrate leadership on a daily basis. Paradise Valley has been fortunate to have a mayor in Jerry Bien-Willner who does just that. I hope you will join me in voting for Mayor Bien-Willner in the Aug. 2 election.