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Siegmund: Sun City resident offers theory about viral illness


Here is my coronavirus theory.

God said, “I made this world, I made you. I made you all different so it would be an interesting world for you. There are humans of different colors, different cultures, different shapes, features, etc. I gave you all brains of different intellects, different talents, different abilities. I taught you how to love one another and live in peace. I gave you a beautiful Earth to enjoy life. But the problem is, some didn’t listen. Everyone is fighting everyone, leaders against leaders, people against leaders and each other. Groups against groups, even within your own groups. Then, there are the individuals, killing people in churches, schools, work places, on the streets, etc. So, I decided it was too much. Time for a lesson. I gave you something that the whole world has to fight together. Perhaps you’ll learn to work together and learn to appreciate each other and be able to live in peace!”