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Goncalves: Muscato should tell what polices have failed


Michael Muscato, a Democrat, in his guest commentary (“Valley native makes case to replace Lesko,” Sun City Independent, May 29, 2019) writes that “voters in Congressional District 8 will have a distinct choice between someone representing the failed policies of the past.”

He is referring to our current representative, Debbie Lesko (R-Peoria), so I would like him to answer what ‘failed policies” he is referring to. Following are just some of the many accomplishments of President Trump.

Unemployment at a 50 year low, lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics and all workers; consumer confidence at 18-year high; largest decline in drug prices in nearly 50 years; food stamp usage declines for eight straight months; Dow skyrocketed to record breaking highs; signed First Step Act criminal justice reform into law; ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory; historic sweeping tax reform with companies giving “Trump bonuses;” has rebuilt our military and boosted military pay.

These victories have come in spite of the “resist and investigate” agenda of the Democrats.

Debbie Lesko is right to support our president’s policies that have helped so many American people. She needs to be re-elected to continue her work. She is a hard worker and in the short time she has been in Congress has sponsored and co-sponsored many bills that help her constituents. She introduced legislation to protect Medicare and Social Security for current enrollees while also preserving these programs for future generations (H. Res. 1026).

She has a lot more work to do and we need to support her campaign by volunteering and donating financially.

Jean Goncalves

Sun City west