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Thomas: Skillicorn’s behavior is conduct unbecoming a council member


A medical facility in town has placards that state “words matter, behavior matters.”

As documented in an article in the Dec. 6 issue of the Times Independent, Councilmember Skillicorn violated the town’s sign ordinance in September and then seemingly lied to an MCSO deputy, according to the deputy’s assessment.

But, at the Oct. 17 council meeting, Skillicorn quoted Ephesians 4:29 from his Bible, “let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths…” His behavior in September was illegal, unethical and inconsistent with the beliefs that he loudly and publicly proclaims. I recommend Skillicorn — and anyone else who wants to compare his actions with his words – review the following verses in the Bible:  Galatians 6:3; Mark 7:6; Matthew 6:1-2, 15:7-8 and 23:28; Titus 1:16; Luke 20:46-47; and James 1:22-24 and 26.

In his response to the Times regarding the September incident, Skillicorn claims the sign ordinance in effect in September was unconstitutional. However, no court has declared it unconstitutional, so the unconstitutionality of it is only in Skillicorn’s mind, because it made it illegal for him to post signs wherever and whenever he feels he should be able to.

Fast forward to the Dec. 5 council meeting, where it was revealed that the recently-enacted urban camping ordinance championed by Skillicorn and passed by the current council majority is unenforceable, according to MCSO’s legal counsel. Thus, it sounds like the ordinance — or at least parts of it – could possibly be unconstitutional.

How incredibly ironic. Imagine, Skillicorn and the current council majority voting for an ordinance that can’t be enforced as written? Skillicorn might not like or agree with certain town ordinances, but that does not give him the right to violate them. His behavior is conduct unbecoming a councilmember. Is this really who you want to supposedly represent you and the town?

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.