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Svendsen: Trump vote a step in Putin's direction?


Where were all of you on January 6? Like me, were you glued to your TV the entire time, watching with horror as men and women wearing red hats and carrying Trump flags laid waste to our Capitol Building?

Did you pray that he would stop the madness with just one peaceful word? He did no such thing.

A vote for Trump is madness and a giant step in Putin’s direction. Putin is due to be re-elected in a few weeks so that he can direct more killing of dissidents. He has “set the standard” for his minion to follow. Isn’t that comforting?

I know this letter reads like a “Commie Scare” and it is. Joe Biden has done an admirable job as our president. I think the most outstanding was to get the pandemic under control. I think that if Trump had been elected, the remedy may have been as timely, but there would have been a price attached to every dose; a cost that would have been heralded a further threat to disenfranchised people like me.

I was one of them for many years. It is by the grace of God and my Aunt Rhoda that I am on 24/7 vacation here than quite possibly homeless and hungry in Portland. I would be one of the ones near Union Station which has always been one of my favorite places.

In conclusion, please consider all the lies, all the threats and hateful words coming out daily on X. Consider that, as a candidate, he went after our favorite son in despicable terms and was genuinely surprised that Biden won Arizona.

I want four more years of peace and quiet while we repair the damage done to our allies and create more jobs for the inevitable immigrants who enrich our culture. Thank you for reading and allowing me to have my say.

Kristi Svendsen

election, Trump