Duncan: Sun City CAN helps with fire department lock boxes
Sun City Community Assistance Network 10195 W. Coggins Drive Sun City, AZ
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By Hugh Duncan, Sun City Community Assistance Network board president
The Mission of the Sun City Community Assistance Network is to, “connect people with resources to enhance their standard of living.”
In other words, Sun City CAN helps people save money on things like property taxes, income taxes, utilities, Medicare premiums, prescription drugs and other things.
Many benefits go unclaimed simply because people are unaware that the benefits exist. In an effort to shed light on some of the help that is available to low-income seniors, I will write a guest commentary each month about a different senior help program.
Below is a listing of benefits available for low-income seniors that some may not realize are available.
Lock boxes
The Sun City Fire Department has a program that installs lock boxes on Sun City residences.
The boxes are installed adjacent to the front door. Inside the box is a key to the front door that allows fire department personnel to enter the residence in an emergency when the occupant is incapacitated. Otherwise, there would be a forced entry with resulting property damage.
Normally the cost of installing a lock box is $70, but Sun City Community Assistance Network has a program that provides these lock boxes at no cost to certain low-income residents. Thank you to Long Realty, 10220 W. Bell Road, Sun City, for underwriting the cost of this program!
The eligibility requirements are as follows — must be a full-time Sun City resident, have a monthly income less than $2,430 (single); $3,287 (2-person) and have savings and investments less than $16,600 (single) or $33,240 (2-person).
If you think that you qualify and would like to apply for a free lock box, call Sun City CAN at 623-933-7530 and make an appointment to meet with a benefits assistance counselor.
Editor’s Note: We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments, pro or con, on this issue. Email AZOpinions@iniusa.org.