By Matt Roy

Washington Federal has invited the community to celebrate the bank’s centennial 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, April 24-28 at their Sun City West branch, 19005 N. R.H. Johnson Blvd., and their Sun City branch, 14626 N. Del Webb Blvd.
In April, Washington Federal celebrates 100 years of serving local communities.
To commemorate, the Sun Cities branches are inviting area businesses and residents to stop in for a centennial celebration 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, April 24-28 at the bank, 19005 N. R.H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West, and 14626 N. Del Webb Blvd., Sun City.
The branches will provide punch and cookies all week long as well as hot dogs on Friday starting at 11 a.m. and the celebration will feature two raffles. All residents are invited to participate in the complimentary, celebratory event.
“We’re excited to celebrate Washington Federal’s first 100 years in banking with our Sun Cities neighbors. This event is our chance to say ‘thank you’ to the community for their support and trust,” said Branch Manager Aimy Edwards.
100 year of service
Washington Federal first started in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood, not far from today’s headquarters. Two local brothers, the Keans, wanted to offer the community steady, practical loans to help their neighbors achieve that American dream of owning their own homes.
With the Kean brothers’ initial investment, the bank started making small, measured loans to the community. Deposits were accepted from local businesses and residents, and then turned around and lent back out in the form of home construction financing and mortgage loans. In the midst of the Great Depression, the bank remained true to helping clients maintain their homeowner status.
One hundred years later, it’s still the way the bank does business today. The bank succeeds when the community thrives and their long-term approach to banking has allowed them to continue to serve communities during economic events, like the recessions of the 1930s and 2000s.
Washington Federal CEO Brent Beardall states, “While our 100-year anniversary is a celebration, it’s also more than that. It’s a chance to show our gratitude and appreciation to our clients and communities for the continued chance to be a part of their lives. And most importantly, it’s our commitment that they can continue to count on us to provide stable, common sense banking for years to come.”