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Skillicorn: Voters want accountability, not more reckless spending and tax hikes


On Nov. 7, Fountain Hills voters resoundingly rejected a $25 million school bond which would have raised taxes. More than 57 percent of voters said “no” to higher taxes.
The message from Fountain Hills is clear. Voters want their elected leaders to be responsible with their tax dollars and there is little appetite for tax increases. Voters spoke and we elected officials should listen.
As we move into budget negotiations, the Town Council should keep the results of the last election in mind. We need to make sure we are spending money on the right priorities and not wasting money.
Last spring, I proposed the Roads First Budget, which included $1,293,000 in cuts. Unfortunately, the Town Council majority approved a $43,057,708 spending package, which included 7% raises for management, $50,000 for subsidies for the homeless, $237,000 for outdoor exercise machines, $250,000 to replace healthy trees, $535,000 for streetscape (whatever that is), and a half-million dollars for a general funds spending spree.
Voters expect us to live within our means. Had we passed my Roads First Budget, we could have had $1,293,000 as a downpayment to fix our roads and prevent a future tax hike.
Instead of approving bloated, irresponsible budgets, we need to pay attention to Nov. 7 and make being good stewards of the people’s money our highest priority. If we’ve learned anything from this last election, it should be that the people of this community want robust and bold solutions to the issues and concerns of our community. The people of Fountain Hills deserve better than the status quo budgets that prioritize insiders over the best interests of our community.

I call on my fellow Fountain Hills leaders to make our residents our highest priority in the upcoming budget discussions by cutting waste and planning for the future.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.