Historically the signs of a civilization in decline manifest through bizarre and repulsive behavior.
The media reports rich and famous celebrity icons and political heavyweights, perverting themselves with deviant sexual and fantasy island excursions. Recall these names: Cosby, Epstein, Weinstein, Diddy and Clinton.
The poor man’s version of debauchery and voyeurism comes to them from their favorite pornographic website, dosing on illegal drugs, or purchasing recreational sex acts.
Marriage is being downgraded from a sacred institution to an arrangement of convenience that gets dissolved by a divorce that is rarely amicable and often shameful.
Abortion is celebrated as an affirming medical procedure that avoids acknowledging the presence of the new life that has no ability to speak for his/herself. Denying the existence of a new life mentally validates the abortion long before the medical vacuuming ends it. Abortions, sterilizations of immature children, assassins (Crooks), murderers (Mangione) desecrate the value of life.
Competent adults making decisions to physically alter their own bodies without government sponsorship would go on unnoticed if those sexual experiments were not being projected onto immature children. Adults choosing to alter their own biological body might become socially acceptable. Prescribing drugs or performing surgeries that destroy a young child’s reproductive rights without parental consent should be illegal.
Men are undoubtably physically different from women and they should never meet in an arranged physical competition. Biological women in sports deserve the right to compete only with other biological women.
Seeing people of faith being condemned and even jailed for practicing their religious beliefs is a government perversion. Government was created to protect and serve the will of the people, not form a cabal that becomes the peoples most aggressive oppressor.
Civilizations decline and die when the faithful majority are forcefully silenced and decadent behavior overrules common sense.
Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.