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Reveles: We must embrace universal values


The State of the Union by President Biden was a resounding call to all Americans and to the universe, reminding us of the global struggle between autocracy and democracy. It underscored the universal values of caring for and serving our neighbors facing existential challenges both in foreign and domestic challenges.

In foreign affairs our nation must with one voice declare rejection of autocratic violence of might makes right, even as we domestically struggle to reject anti-“small d” democratic voter suppression barriers that inhibit our American freedom of choice in selecting our democratic republic’s political leadership.

Here in Pinal County, we should be heartened by President Biden’s reference to economic projects intimately affecting our county — his call for domestically building semi-conductors and electric vehicles.

Nonetheless there are economic challenges that we must all prepare to endure — the inflationary costs associated with our support of democracy against autocracy, inflationary costs associated with global pandemic health issues that for too long were ignored. Inflationary costs that are affecting us all but that somehow seem bearable compared to the violence and death being experienced in Ukraine and at other international borders including our own southern border.

Last week, this Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution seeking our government’s help in promoting our domestic production of semiconductors.

Mr. Chairman I respectfully request that we recognize the convergence of Pinal County’s interests with the challenges and opportunities that were reflected in the State of the Union.

For these reasons I ask that you direct staff to draft a resolution of appreciation for the State of the Union’s moral and economic topics, both foreign and domestic, that touch the lives of our county residents and direct the resolution to our state’s congressional delegation similar to Resolution 022322-CHIPS adopted at last week’s Board of Supervisors.

Editor’s note: Gold Canyon resident Roberto Reveles made the above statement at the March 2 meeting of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors.

opinion, letters