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I am anchor
Peoria police notify public of sex offender now residing in city
By Chris Caraveo
Jonas Mays (Peoria Police Dept.)
The Peoria Police Department released the following information on a convicted sex offender who now resides within the city.
Jonas Mays, 40, moved into a residence in the 8600 block of W. Canterbury Drive. He was convicted of sexual assault March 4, 1999 by the Maricopa County Superior Court. He is a Level 2 offender.
The notification is provided pursuant to ARS 13-3825, the Community Notification on Sex Offenders Law, which requires law enforcement agencies to inform the public when the release of information will enhance public safety and protection.
May’s conviction allows for community notification and requires registration with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. He has served the sentence imposed by the courts and has advised MCSO he will be living at the location listed.
Mays is not wanted by the Peoria Police Department.
"This notification is not intended to increase fear; rather, it is our belief that an informed public is a safer public," according to a release. "It is a violation of ARS 13-1202 to use this information to threaten, intimidate, or harass sex offenders. Citizens who violate this law will be subject to prosecution."
If you have information regarding current criminal activity on this or any offender, please call 623-773-8311.