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Muha: City should solicit input from residents before moving forward with major initiatives


I was a little disappointed to read in the opinion section of the November issue of Peoria Independent newspaper from the mayor and two working partners from the state regarding “smart growth” and support for the amendments to the Peoria General Plan.

It appears these articles were likely solicited by someone from city leadership, from Danny Seiden, of the Arizona Chamber and Sandra Watson from the Arizona Commerce Authority.

I would rather the city have reached out to our local businesses and industries who liked the direction the city is headed, or the Peoria Chamber of Commerce, or the local school board for these letters of support regarding the directions and focus. These are the people who have “skin in the game.” I would like to see how they feel about future development.

I am sure a number of the comments would be positive, however there would likely be a few comments that would not be in sync with the seemingly over the top enthusiasm of the two individuals and the mayor. I don’t know of residents/businesses who are opposed to master planning and promoting strategic and well-coordinated growth rather than a fragmented development approach. We are all interested in “smart growth.” This is not a new concept.

The issue for a number of people in Peoria is that their opinions, ideas, and thoughts are not solicited before decisions, directions, and plans are made by city bureaucrats for minor or major initiatives. Some people feel any input is grudgingly taken if at all. We are generally not in their process.

As a resident said on a public sharing platform. It appears the city is trying to operate more like a corporation. “The occupants within the corporate boundaries are insignificant and need only be heard from for appearances sake.”

Peoria, Arizona, General Plan, articles, Danny Seiden, Arizona Chamber, Sandra Watson, Arizona Commerce Authority, economic development

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