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Milhaven: Supporting Scottsdale's schools benefits city numerous ways


Vote yes and support the Scottsdale Unified School District’s Additional Assistance Override.

Your yes vote continues the previous voter-approved funding to support our schools’ capital needs. Needs that cannot be covered with the existing operating budget. Needs that must be met to maintain the quality of our schools and our community.

Great schools are a critical part of great communities. As a three-term member of the Scottsdale City Council and member of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, I have seen firsthand how the quality of our schools contributes to our quality of life.

Schools do more than educate our children. Schools are an important component of our economic prosperity.

The quality of our schools is critical to businesses when considering locating here and bringing high paying jobs.

Existing businesses consider the strength of schools when they decide to stay and grow here.

Residents choose Scottsdale based on the quality of our schools.

All of these decisions impact our tax revenues, help to keep city tax rates low and help to keep property values strong.

Please vote yest to continue the voter approved funding and to maintain our quality of life.