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Kvaran: Democracy not what it once was


American democracy used to shine as a beacon for the rest of the world. Now look at what we have.

Will the American electorate in 2024 be forced to pick which felon or should-be-felon we want to lead us? In 2016 (opinion), we were asked to choose between the two most despised people in the country, Trump and Clinton.

A large percentage of the American people believe that the 2020 election, both at the national and local levels, was fixed. And it is likely to get worse soon, not better.

Try to explain to the rest of the world about our Electoral College, how it allowed two of the last three Republican victories to happen despite their losing the popular vote.

In fact, ask the average American who favors the Electoral College how it works and see what happens. Then there was the Jan. 6 attempt to overturn the election.

American democracy is at a turning point, but which way will it turn? Is there anything to be done other than to kick back in our recliners and watch it happen?

Editor’s Note: We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments, pro or con, on this issue. Email AZOpinions@iniusa.org.