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Kepler: More response to Andrews


Let’s start with the claim “no president in history has done more to hurt America.”

If we all remember correctly that’s the same thing they said about Obama. Let’s be honest here, every democrat according to Fox News and the GOP is the worst president in history.

Now for history buffs, Rich Andrews seems to forget James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding, Franklin Pierce and even #45. I would like to remind the readers much of his argument was based not on facts but opinions. Let’s take the coal and gas innuendos.

It is expected that the USA output will exceed 12.9 million barrels by years end. That’s a 16% increase since 2021 when Biden took office. USA oil production on federal lands has reached 3 million barrels per day.

Oil company profits recorded record profits in 2022. That would be 200 billion in profits. Just a historical note. Gas prices under GWB when adjusted for inflation were higher than today. Do we hear GOP blaming Bush for high gas prices?

Gas prices are not set by the president. They are set by the world market. No producer is going to drill oil in the USA and sell it under world prices just to make Americans happy.

Mr. Andrews claims Biden attacked natural gas but where are the facts? Because Biden approved 6,430 permits for oil and gas vs. Trumps 6,172.

Western coal is much cheaper to get to market vs. eastern coal. The truth is natural gas is less expensive and not as dirty as coal — that is why coal is shrinking.

Mr. Andrews now even blames Biden for Uranium production losses. The fact that those lands put off use were Native American lands and/or near the Grand Canyon should maybe be considered.

Mr. Andrews then goes on to claim China makes most of the solar panels, batteries and other green products. Whose fault is that? For decades US companies ran to China for cheap manufacturing and then people whine that they make all this stuff.

China has air pollution issues as well and their investment into alternate energy sources is so they can reduce coal consumption.

Now here is the dichotomy of the Conservative attacks. They complain about high gas prices but hate electric cars and even attack wind and solar energy. If you ever do some driving in Arizona or Nevada, just look at how huge those solar farms are. If you are in Montana or Idaho just look at all those windmills that share the same land as agriculture.

Some farmer is making money leasing windmill space right next to the farm products.

The problem in my opinion is too many senior citizens watch only Fox News and have no idea what is going on around the world. Mr. Andrews’ claim that Biden has sold out to the Russians and the Chinese doesn’t add up when you look at the restrictions on Russian imports and exports, the amount of military assistance given to Ukraine. Then Mr. Andrews lumps in China who Biden must have sold out to, that’s why we are patrolling the waters around Taiwan with our Navy and increasing the amount of defensive aid.

Honestly folks, do you really believe Biden has sold out to the Russians and Chinese when we are sending our excellent military products to Ukraine and Taiwan to defend themselves? How does that even add up?

Jim Kepler
