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Heywood: Reader welcomes delay, review of Mountain View in Sun City


As a Sun City resident, I believe that a delay and review of the reconstruction of Mountain View Center is welcome. 

When I attended a meeting where the architect put forward plans, my first thought was, “do we want to spend so much money?” My thoughts on that have not changed. 

My second thought concerned facilities that were modernized in the last few years and will be torn down, even though they are functional and adequate. There were also issues with a multi-million dollar gym and a resort swimming pool. 

The plan at that time only covered two out of three phases, the third to be left for future consideration. To me, that sounded like the whole project was going to cost us all a king’s ransom, but the delay would remove much of the shock factor.

There are aspects of Mountain View which need attention and money spending on them so a plan is necessary. I have read that a performing arts center has been proposed for many years and is again on hold. I am not a performing arts person but would support Sun City providing this facility that people have waited for many years.

My question on that is, “Does it have to be at Mountain View or would building a standalone center be quicker than the redevelopment of Mountain View and possibly less expensive?”

I did not move to Sun City for grandiose facilities. I moved here because the facilities are excellent and the annual fees affordable. Recreation Centers of Sun City has, or should have, a record of the usage of all the facilities, whether that usage is increasing or decreasing and how much money is available for expansion.

Hopefully, the money will be spent on the facilities the residents use most and not on those whose supporters shout the loudest. 

Editor’s Note: We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments, pro or con, on this issue. Email AZOpinions@iniusa.org.