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Heiman: Say no to another challenge


No to yet another age overlay challenge.

I knew when I was in my 30s that I wanted to move to Sun City when I retired. Both my husband and I have worked hard and have obtained my dream of moving to Sun City. I wanted to move here because we are a community of adults and, as such, we wouldn’t have the issues that having children in the community brings. 

I knew the rules when I moved here and signed documents stating such, as does every resident that moves to Sun City, and we are all expected to follow those rules. I would never consider asking for an exception to those rules if my family situation changed. As much as I wouldn’t want to, I would have to sell my home and move away from Sun City (and yes, I realize that does cause a financial hardship).

I’m sorry if I sound harsh, I’m sorry if I sound heartless, but enough is enough. The precedence was set a few months ago when another permit was voted down. No means no!

We have worked our whole lives to get here and are not willing to give it up because people think they should be the exception to the rule. They knew the rules when they moved here, the rules haven’t changed, their situation has. It’s not fair to think that we should change the rules to meet one person’s changing situation. Our overlay is too important to risk even approving one exception. Once you approve one, it opens the door for more and slowly but surely, the Sun City we love will be gone. 

Please do not allow the age overlay in Sun City to be jeopardized by granting this exception. 

Marcy Heiman

Sun City

Editor’s note:  The Independent welcomes all points of view.  Email your opinions, pro or con, to AzOpinions@iniusa.org.