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Hechos: Fact checking in presidential election



There sure were a lot of fast and loose claims, opinions and assumptions tossed around by a few contributors to this forum in the March 6 edition.

Most of it was aimed at liberal bashing. You know that terrible crowd who are responsible those nasty Social Security checks, Medicare coverage and a whole lot of other stuff the liberal bashers use on a daily basis.

Hard to sort it all out but just a quick look at one of the most egregious claims should give some insight as to who is and who is not checking the facts.

According to one MAGA contributor’s “sources,” Dems are hypocrites for criticizing Trump’s marital infidelity since Joe Biden was having an affair with his babysitter Jill while his wife was dying of cancer. That was the claim anyway according to that writer’s “facts.”

The truth is Joe Biden’s first wife Neila, and daughter Naomi, were killed in a car accident in 1972, his mother then helped care for his sons while he was a freshman Senator and commuted to and from DC to be home with his boys. He met Jill Biden, a 24-year-old college senior in 1975, they dated for 5 years, were married and have been for 46 years.

One has to wonder if someone’s sources are that wrong and misrepresent the “facts” so much on this type of simple issue, how can they be trusted for any issue? How can a contributor to this forum who does not check, but passes along such a mean spirited misrepresentation in order to defend Trump and defame Biden be believed on anything that is submitted?

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