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letter from the editor

Haldiman: Our opinions page is back!


Dear valued readers:

The opinions page has long been a staple of all Independent Newsmedia newspapers over the years. It has been a place where readers can share their opinions about the news in their communities, and do it without the conflict that sometimes sharing your opinions might spark on social media, where there is no moderator to keep things under control.

The opinions page went away for a while on our print platforms, but they never did on our online platforms. Peoria readers have continued to have their voices heard at yourvalley.net/peoria-independent/. And now they have returned to our print platform!

This is part of a larger effort we are undertaking to promote civil discourse. And we want to hear from you!

To submit a letter, email them to AZOpinions@iniusa.org or phaldiman@iniusa.org.

Learn how to engage in respectful, honest and civil dialogue about public issues by going to the “Opinions With Civility” tab at YourValley.net.

Whether posting comments on our Facebook and X feeds or directly emailing a letter to us, we aim to make it easier for everyone to participate and share their perspectives in a conducive setting free from vitriol, personal attacks and shouting.

Please join the civil discussion and let us know what you think about our content and the news that is happening around you in Peoria everyday.