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Dime: The esquires of lawfare


“Billions,” a 2016 Showtime series, revolves around the esquires of lawfare. The lawfare drama draws parallels of a vindictive prosecutor’s persecution of a billionaire hedge fund character that could just as well be an ex-president/real-estate mogul.

The devious banter between attorneys exchanging their ill intentions in coded phrases provides similarities with today’s world of political obfuscation. Lawfare hits its peaks in the dialogue from the ADA to his boss. The ADA declares, “I won’t frame an innocent man.” The DA blurts back, “There are no innocent men.” The esquires of lawfare will violate civil liberties and human decency to get their man.

Prosecutors bait their victims and snitches, then usher them through the lawfare maze. The DA announces his phony recusal, but stays involved. Bystanders are maneuvered into legal traps so they can be pressured to be informants. Lawfare prosecutors don’t seek justice; their focus is grooming the public to believe the defendant is guilty before the case is heard.

The aloof attitude of legal authorities abusing the power of their office disrespects the law. Behind their legal shield the esquires of lawfare practice bribery, blackmail, media leaks, even criminal immunity. The DA manipulates the lawfare persecution by isolating his operatives like independent terrorist cells. 

Knowing he is deep into lawfare the ADA laments, “For me it’s about making the world better.” His self-aggrandizing words are a conscience sanitizer for his dirty work.

The esquires of lawfare boast that their actions are a counterbalance to victimless crimes. Until…until they feel their income window closing, then they believe it’s their turn to collect the cash. 

Watch “Billions,” judge if the embedded lesson on lawfare were the screenwriter’s concoction or inspired by the real-time lawfare cases against Papadopoulus, Manafort, Flynn. Lawfare is real; it has punished and bankrupted faultless victims.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.