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Dime: Baby boomer apology


Baby boomers are withering then dying, and the land of the free and the home of the brave is being buried beside them. Following them are generations nurtured by the asylums of activism and the universities of group think. 

Baby boomers rejected conformity, but understood that respect and equality is a prerequisite to peace, and that single-party dominance will spawn tyranny. The computer generation stays at home, screen-bound, becoming a callous cadre easily provoked by political narratives. 

Sorry, children, baby boomers became complacent during our decades of prosperity. We boomers will coast across our finish line, leaving those behind us disillusioned that government entitlements come without a price. Academia influenced youth to think taking without guilt or shame is normal. Fabricating jargon like, “guaranteed income,” “loan forgiveness” and “equity” incites mob violence. 

Beyond shameful, war gets measured in dollars banked, not lives spent. Donations flow from the industrial military complex to their political war hawk allies.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, contrast the 7,000 millennial-age soldiers that have died during the war on terror against the 300,000 of you that have died in the last three years from the fentanyl created in China and distributed through the Mexican border. War takes lives no matter how or where it is fought.

Americans of all ages don't support the open border invasion and other crazy policies of Bidenomics and they will say so if asked. Everybody needs to be more active in stopping government’s reckless borrowing and spending, protecting defenseless children from predators and releasing violent criminals to endanger the public. The government’s “terror tactics” to intimidate and persecute dissenters must end.  

Young voters can elect the American Republic of freedom and liberty or retain a government bureaucracy that has grown to be cruel and oppressive.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.