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Clubs: Sun City West Chartered Club Committee members back Leary


Governing board Director Jack Leary has been under heavy assault by the recall committee for irrational and unsubstantiated reasons, and their accusations have served to bring light to their personal vendettas and agendas behind their recall effort.

Jack is far from adversarial and condescending when working with others. Just ask the members of the Chartered Clubs Committee, all of whom expressed gratitude and support for his leadership during the Oct. 24 CCC meeting. Ask his previous Yoga Board colleagues who served alongside him through three terms. Ask someone who knows him or take the time to have a one-on-one conversation with him!

Jack did not “mandate” revisions to the RR&Ps, but as chairperson of the CCC, he is charged with upholding committees policy C.03 that requires the CCC to continually assess clubs’ adherence to the Chartered Club RR&Ps and annually make recommendations to the general manager and the governing board for amending the RR&Ps. CCC revisions to the RR&Ps are submitted as recommendations to the governing board for approval (Bylaws Article 8).
During the Oct. 24 CCC meeting, Jack responded to a resident’s question about the RR&P review and revision process. He provided an historical overview of the previous review and revision process two years ago that turned out to be a long and cumbersome process that took a year to complete.

Last spring, the CCC publicly presented the first round of proposed RR&P revisions. It was obvious from audience input that history was about to repeat itself through a long and tedious process. Members of the CCC approached Jack following that meeting to ask permission to work on the review and revisions over the summer. The intent was to hammer out all differences of opinion among us so that we could spare our audience the arduous task of working through early drafts and present them with a nearly completed version in the fall. Our intent was to make the process as swift and efficient as possible for all.

Jack arranged for us to work over the summer. We were each given portions of the document to edit and return to Jack. As our sole typist, he entered our edits and put his name on the document change control page only because he was the central point for our work. If there were differences among submissions, Jack entered all versions and sent them back out for further review, until a consensus was reached.

This committee spent many hours this last summer reviewing the current RR&Ps to come up with the working document we are currently evaluating. Jack Leary was our scribe only. He in no way influenced our decisions as to what should be in the document.