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Clancy: Can an agreement be reached?


I find somewhat amusing the recent exchange between Graves and Hendricks. One believes that Trump is a saint. The other believes that he is a demon. Perhaps neither will ever alter their opinion or position without regard to any evidence to the contrary. Surely, there must be something the two will agree on. The sky is blue; the earth is round. Or will they?

I wonder what they might currently agree on if they were to examine U.S. history. I wonder how far back in U.S. history would we need to go for them to find that agreement?

Perhaps 9/11? Although there are some who believe 9/11 was engineered by the FBI. Might they agree about the cause?

How about the New Deal? Will both support Social Security or Medicare? How about the 19th Amendment (women’s suffrage)? I can find several web sites which strongly advocate repeal of the 19th.

What I believe is the following:

The sky is blue. The Earth is round (mostly). Female U.S .citizens have an inalienable right to vote.
Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid have helped vast numbers of U.S. Citizens and should continue to do so. And 9/11 was caused by a team of Saudi terrorists. Enjoy the cool weather.

James Clancy
