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Chandler Symphony has free concert set for March 26


The Chandler Symphony Orchestra presents this month's Classics Series concert "By a Woman's Hand," which will take place on Sunday, March 26, p.m., on the Steena Murray Mainstage at the Chandler Center for the Arts at Arizona Avenue and Chandler Boulevard. 

This free concert, composed exclusively by women, has been rescheduled from the CSO's shortened 2019-20 season.

The concert will begin with Cécile Chaminade's Callirhoë Suite, followed by local pianist Karalyn Schubring Bologna's Piano Concerto No. 1 featuring Ms. Schubring Bologna as the soloist.

The program will close with Amy Beach's Symphony in E minor (Gaelic).

While there is no cost for tickets, concertgoers are asked to  RSVP on Eventbrite at this link.

CSO recommends everyone arrive by 2:30 p.m.  to be admitted for open seating. Donations will be received in the lobby during the concert, or online anytime at chandlersymphony.com.