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Cap: We know who is to blame for the 5G moritorium


Concerning 5G, Councilmembers Skillicorn, Toth, Kalivianakis and Friedel put our community in this position in the first place. They implemented the moratorium on improvements to the 5G service based on “health risks.” Because of this, improvements to our community’s 5G service have been suspended.

Now, because residents are angry, Skillicorn wants to place the blame for a delay on Mayor Dickey, Vice Mayor Gryzbowski and Councilmember McMahon, all of whom voted against the moratorium. Skillicorn's plan to try and embarrass the three liberals is backfiring. Even the liberals want 5G. Once again, Skillicorn is creating chaos and confusion. It’s what he does best.
What appeared to be Skillicorn's plan to become vice mayor early didn't work. Coming from Illinois myself, I know what “merit promotions” means. They are not based on the quality of someone's abilities, it’s based on who you know.

Skillicorn keeps trying to bring dirty politics to Fountain Hills. We don't want that here, so stop. Maybe it’s time he actually listens to the town attorney, who is there to represent and advise him and the council.
Since the moratorium is non-enforceable, stop impeding the process and actually get things in motion. Or do you need a liberal majority to do that?

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.