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Arizona companies can foster a giving community — here’s how


December is National Giving Month, the perfect time to rethink corporate social responsibility and ways to give back to the community.

Many companies have noticed that customers care about the heart of an organization. It’s estimated more than two in five consumers are more likely to buy a brand that gives to charity. A more difficult task for companies is ingraining this philanthropic mindset into their culture and their consumer base.

At Plexus Worldwide, our U.S. Hispanic customers are a close-knit community that prioritizes giving back. Whether in Arizona, Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico or Mexico — these customers often group together to serve.

For corporations looking to show their values, here are some tips for supporting customer-driven philanthropy work from a corporate level.

Build it and they will come

As a company, the first thing you must ask is, does our brand voice its support for philanthropic efforts and community needs? Consider all social media posts, marketing messages and sales initiatives. Is there a chance to voice your company values by giving a percentage of sales to a certain cause? 

It seems simple, but a brand should showcase its values, as it’s the heart of the company. It’s not enough to have these values; they must be clearly communicated to the audience.

Create a giving environment

Plexus’ U.S. Hispanic community is an example of a giving environment, and it thrives through support. Each brand ambassador has a regional manager who’s consistently available for customer support and in many ways, becomes a life support.

When a brand ambassador in Texas lost her husband unexpectedly three months ago, other ambassadors reached out to support her, and the regional manager was available through texts and calls. This boils down to the simple phrase, “show not say. Be the change you want to see.”

Help customers give back

U.S. Hispanic customers tend to be caring, family-oriented and strong in their solidarity. Giving back is a way of life.

Companies can provide their customers with tools for giving by offering events that bring them together to celebrate, connect with others who share the same values and participate in activities like packing meals for a local food bank. This puts an emphasis on community and expands company support.

Plenty of customers facilitate giving back on their own. Raquel Perez lives in Puerto Rico and works with the Fort Meyers Global Empowerment Mission in Miami is a great example. She’s brought together friends, family and fellow brand ambassadors to assist in disaster relief for areas hit by Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Helene.

“If I can help others, then why not?” Perez says of her volunteer efforts, which also include packing food and toiletries for food banks.

Everyone wins when companies inspire philanthropy and follow up by facilitating fun volunteer events and offering ways for customers to meet and grow as a community on their own terms.

Editor’s note: Scottsdale-based Mayline Rodriguez is U.S. Hispanic marketing and communications lead for Plexus Worldwide. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

National Giving Month, corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, charity, giving back, philanthropy